Contacts | Nacionālie bruņotie spēki


54Recruitment and Selection Center

131Commander of the National Armed Forces

1National Armed Forces Joint Headquarters

55Reserve personnel accounting sector

231National Armed Forces Band - Cloned

184National Guard

3Land Forces Mechanized Infantry Brigade

63Latvian Navy

65Mine Countermeasure Squadron

66Patrol Boat Squadron

67Sea Surveillance and Communication Service

69Coast Guard

70Air Force

79Logistics Command

811st Regional Logistics Center

822nd Regional Logistics Center

833rd Regional Logistics Center

84Service and Supply Center

85Medicine Support Center

86Land Transportation Support Center

87Movement Coordination Center

88Armament Repair Center

89Maintenance and Repair Center

118National Armed Forces Band

91Training and Doctrine Command

93National Defense Academy of Latvia

94NCO School

95Infantry School

96Language School

97Signal School

98Latvian Navy Training Center

99Sports Club

114Joint Headquarters’ Battalion

123Military Police